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Upstate Announcements for May 30, 2024

Interim Title IX coordinator appointed

Kate Nearpass has been named interim Title IX coordinator at Upstate. Nearpass and her law partner, Rachel Koegel, of the law firm Nearpass & Koegel PLLC, have served as interim co-directors of Upstate’s Office of Institutional Equity since March 2024. They will continue in these roles while Upstate conducts a search for a permanent appointment of an Institutional Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator. Collectively, Nearpass and Koegel have 19 years of experience in Title IX and internal investigations. 

All complaints of discrimination or harassment based on sex or any other protected class should be directed to Nearpass and Koegel at Upstate’s Office of Institutional Equity at 315-464-9590, [email protected] or [email protected].



Help train the next generation of globally competent healthcare practitioners

Are you passionate about medical education and internationalized medicine? Clinicians are sought in all fields to occasionally host visiting international medical students in their clinic, for four-to-eight-week clinical elective experiences. Availability, timing, and frequency are all at host’s discretion. For more information, email Seth Perry at [email protected].



Spiritual Care event is May 30

Spiritual Care will commission six new summer chaplain interns who will train at Upstate University Hospital today, May 30 at noon in the Interfaith Chapel on the first floor of Upstate University Hospital. Spiritual Care will also welcome three new chaplains to the department. All are welcome to attend this event.



Feeding the Mind, Funding Recovery event is May 31

The Feeding the Mind, Funding Recovery cocktail reception fundraiser to benefit The Eating Disorder Clinic at Upstate will be held Friday, May 31 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Everson Museum of Art. The event will feature live music by Dabble, CNY Central’s Megan Coleman as emcee, full access to the museum, food, a dance performance, and a silent auction. To register for the event or to donate, visit: https://e.givesmart.com/events/Cdj/. The event is sponsored by Upstate Adolescent Medicine and the Upstate Foundation. Questions? Email Kelly Rose at [email protected].



Blood draw service starts new hours June 1

Upstate University Hospital’s patient blood draw service center on 2W will begin new hours June 1. The new hours will be Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Questions? Email Corrina Wilcox at [email protected].



UPD to add weapon detection system June 3

Upstate’s University Police Department will install a weapon detection system in the west lobby at Community Monday, June 3. Staff entering are asked to have their Upstate ID ready. Questions? Email [email protected].



Tranquility Tuesday is June 4

Tranquility Tuesday with Kaushal Nanavati, MD, will be held June 4 from 12:30 to 1 p.m. on the second floor of Nappi Wellness Institute. There will also be a virtual option. Tranquility Tuesday is held every Tuesday. Each session is a unique meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, and relaxation practice experience. To join via Zoom, use Meeting ID: 407 812 4814 and Password: wellness. For more information, email Dr. Nanavati at [email protected]



Well NYS Everyday webinar on container gardening is June 5

Well NYS Everyday will offer a webinar on container gardening June 5 at noon. Christine Saplan, a master gardner, will discuss what to consider when choosing containers and plants, what soil and fertilizer choices make sense, how to care for and maintain containers throughout the growing season, and how to overwinter delicate plants. To register, visit: https://meetny.webex.com/weblink/register/ra813f536b62feba7711df8ada0a75556. For more information, email Christine Podolak at [email protected].



Retirement reception for Thomas Poole is June 6

A retirement reception for Thomas Poole, PhD, will be held June 6 at 3 p.m. in the Doust Boardroom, 9299 Weiskotten Hall. Poole retires after 40 years of service at Upstate. He served as associate professor in Cell and Developmental Biology and as assistant dean for Foundational Science. The Upstate community is welcome. For more information, email Lisa Bonaventura at [email protected].



Yoga for All is June 7, 12, 14, 21, 24

The Yoga for All schedule is as follows:

  • June 7 from 7:45 to 8:30 a.m. in the Performance Center at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital
  • June 12 from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m. in 2151/2153 Nappi Wellness Institute
  • June 14 from 8 to 8:45 a.m. in the Performance Center at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital
  • June 21 from 2:15 to 2:40 p.m. in Classroom A/B at Community
  • June 24 from 12:30 to 1 p.m. virtual offering

Yoga for All is facilitated by Upstate clinicians trained in Trauma Adapted Yoga, a form of yoga based on trauma research, evidence-based yoga therapy and body-based methods with gentle exercises for self-management of common symptoms and reactions. No experience is necessary and all are welcome. For questions, please email [email protected]. All upcoming sessions are listed on the Upstate Wellness calendar.



Wellness Speaks is June 10

Anna Maria Hinman will speak about Upstate’s community garden during Wellness Speaks June 10 at 10 a.m. via WebEx. Hinman will also provide gardening tips. To register for the virtual session, visit: https://upstate.webex.com/weblink/register/rd7aaffe2aa28cf5320be54e20144ad5c. For more information, email Christine Podolak at [email protected].



Schwartz Rounds is June 11

Taking Off the Cap: From Hero to Human will be held Tuesday, June 11 at noon in 1204 A/B Upstate University Hospital. During this Schwartz Rounds presentation, panelists will share personal experiences on being perceived as infallible heroes to being recognized as regular humans with vulnerabilities, emotions, and limitations. The concept encourages to acknowledge that medical staff, while highly skilled and dedicated, are not superheroes. They experience stress, fatigue, and emotional toll of their work. Schwartz Rounds is open to staff of all departments and is intended to support the work we do by offering a compassionate listening environment. 1 CE hour will be awarded for participants. Questions? Email Chaplain Zeynab Mancini at [email protected].



Good Neighbor Day at Syracuse Mets benefits mental health June 20

The second annual Northland Communications Good Neighbor Day will be held at the Syracuse Mets Game Thursday, June 20. The Syracuse Mets will donate $5 from every ticket sold to the Upstate Foundation’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Campaign. To purchase tickets, visit: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Upstatefoundation6. Questions? Contact Eric Stensland at [email protected] or 315-464-5747.



NYSHIP special option transfer and special enrollment periods for the Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) open now through June 28

Due to recently ratified contracts between New York state and the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA), there will be a Productivity Enhanced Program (PEP) special enrollment period. PEP for 2024 allows eligible full- and part-time NYSCOPBA-represented employees to exchange previously accrued annual and/or personal leave in return for a credit to be applied toward the employee share of their NYSHIP premium on a biweekly basis. Affected employees will be sent an email containing more information. To elect PEP for 2024, applications must be received between May 28 and June 28.

There will be NYSHIP rate changes for these groups effective July 1. As a result, there will be a special option transfer period, when affected employees may make changes to their NYSHIP coverage. To make changes to your NYSHIP coverage, sign and submit a PS-404 Health Insurance Transaction Form to the Benefits office. Requests must be made between May 28 and June 28. Submit all questions and forms to [email protected].



Advocates seek Nellie Hurley scholarship applications through June 28

Advocates for Upstate seek applicants for the Nellie Hurley Scholarships now through June 28. To be eligible, applicants must have been employed by Upstate or active as an Upstate volunteer for a minimum of six months prior to the application deadline. Scholarships are for undergraduate studies in health-related fields, at accredited institutions, fall semester 2024. To apply, complete the application form and return to [email protected] or to 311 Campus Activities Building by June 28. The application form is here: https://www.upstate.edu/advocates/pdf/nhappfillable2024b.pdf. For more information about the Nellie Hurley Scholarships, visit: https://www.upstate.edu/advocates/grants-scholarships/scholarships.php.



Drag Brunch is June 29

The sixth annual Drag Brunch to benefit Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital will be held Saturday, June 29 at 10 a.m. and again at 1:30 p.m. at the Springside Inn in Auburn. The theme is Christmas in June, showcasing some of your holiday favorites. Both performances will feature Mrs. Kasha Davis from Ru Paul’s Drag Race and will include two silent auctions. Tickets are $55 each. For more information and to purchase tickets, email Danielle Bright at [email protected].



Holiday closures for July 5

Record Storage and the Property Management Surplus Warehouse will be closed Friday, July 5.



Early registration for Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Summit closes July 31

Healthcare practitioners are invited to attend the Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Summit Sept. 19 and 20 at the Upstate Biotech Accelerator. The summit is hosted by the Upstate Global Health Institute and the Central New York Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Alliance. The goal of the event is to increase awareness and competence of medical providers about Lyme and tick-borne diseases. Early bird registration ends July 31. CME available. For event information and registration, visit: https://cnylymealliance.org/2024-lyme-summit/. For more information, email [email protected].



Upstate Foundation’s annual Upstate Open is Aug. 8

The 37th annual Upstate Open golf tournament will take place Aug. 8 at Turning Stone Resort Casino. The event will offer an elite golf experience at two of New York’s most beautiful golf courses. Proceeds support pediatric and adult cancer care at Upstate Cancer Center and cancer research at Upstate Medical University. To register, visit: https://www.upstatefoundation.org/UpstateOpen. For additional information, contact Eric Stensland at [email protected] or 315-464-5747.
