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Auerbach Lab News Feed

May 2024
  • Laura Williams successfully defends her Masters Thesis. Way to go, Laura!!! Best of luck in your return to Med School. :)
  • Pranitha Anoor is accepted to the MS program at SUNY Upstate. She will join the lab fulltime during her gap year and complete a Masters degree.
March 2024
December 2023
  • Veronica Singh and Kyle Wagner present at PAME 2023 and AES 2023: Sponteneous Epilepiform Discharges in a Genetic Rabbit Model of Kcnh-2-Mediated Seizures, Long QT Syndrome, and Sudden Death, and Altered KcnH/KExpression in the Brain and Heart, and Prolongation of Cardiac Repolarization in a Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome with Seizures
  • David Auerbach presents at PAME 2023 and AES 2023: Cardiac Conduction, Repolarization, and Autonomic Function in Dravet and Lennoz-Gastaut Syndromes
October 2023
August 2023
April 2023
  • Multi-institute UNYTE Grant for translational science from the University of Rochester Medical Center, Clinical and Translational Science Institute (URMC CTSI): Wearable Multi-System Recordings for Improved Disease Diagnostics (Co-PI: David AuerbachDr. Inna Hughes, URMC; Co-I Justin Ryan)
March 2023
  • Veronica presents posters of her work at Accepted Students Day and Charles Ross Memorial Research Day
December 2022
September 2022
  • Veronica Singh wins first prize best poster at the SUNY Upstate Biomedical Sciences Retreat: Development and Characterization of a Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome Type-2
August 2022
  • Lou Adebiyi, Justin Ryan, and Kyle Wagner have poster presentation abstracts accepted for the 2022 American Epilepsy Society meeting in December. 
  • Lou Adebiyi's abstract is also accepted for the young investigator award, and a second session: Broadening Representation and Inclusion by Growing Diversity and Equity (BRIDGE)
  • Kyle Wagner's abstract was also accepted for a platform talk!
  • Meghdad Sabouri Rad successfully defends his PhD in Electronic Engineering, Designing and fabricating multichannel neural signal recording system, from Tarbiat Moallem Univeristy of Iran.
June 2022
  • Veronica Singh joins the lab as a PhD student
  • Roshanak Ebrahimi joins the lab as a PhD student
  • Jackson Jost graduates from Syracuse University (Mathematics and Neuroscience)
December 2021
  • Anjlee Panjwani (MD/MPH Student) is awarded the 2022 Rogers Research Scholarship
September 2021
March 2021
  • 4th year Medical Students Cameron Bosinski (Res. Track Anesthesiology), Joseph Toth (Int. Med), and Justin Durland (Int. Med) matched for Residency Programs
December 2020
  • Cameron Bosinski (4th year Med Student) presents at the American Epilepsy Society and PAME Meetings “Increased Propensity for Pharmacologically Induced Seizures and Sudden Death in Long QT Syndrome Rabbits
  • David Auerbach presents American Epilepsy Society Meeting “Temporal Changes in Autonomic Function Differ Surrounding Epileptic vs. Psychogenic Seizures.
October 2020
September 2019
  • Natalia DeMaria joins the lab as a Data Analyst
August 2019
  • Kyle Wagner joins the lab as our fearless Lab Manager (aka, the lab’s Swiss Army Knife)
May 2019
  • 2-year grant from Central NY Foundation “Multi-System Monitoring to Identify Pathological Markers and Mechanisms for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy
April 2019
  • Auerbach Lab opens at SUNY Upstate Medical University
  • See some pictures of the early days of the lab (i.e., pre-Kyle) here
