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Fellows are responsible for attending all conferences where attendance will be taken.  Promptness is demanded. Attendance at 70% of all conferences is required for all fellows. If your conference attendance is poor this could lead to not being promoted for the academic year.  

Each academic year will start with a "Boot Camp" lecture series for incoming fellows. This series will give introductory lectures within the first 2 weeks in July. This will be followed by the following recurring conferences starting in September.

  1. Clinical Case Conference – 3109 WSK- Cases are presented by the fellow during this twice-monthly clinical conference (held on Wednesday mornings from 7:30 to 8:30 A.M.), ideally one pulmonary and one critical care case twice a month.   Fellows are expected to present a concise summary of the patient’s history, emphasize important physical examination findings and laboratory results and prepare a discussion of the unique features of the case or a review of literature on important questions.  Cases should be either diagnostic dilemmas or cases where the management is the question.  If the case is a diagnostic dilemma then it should be presented as an unknown with diagnostic and therapeutic advice solicited from the audience. The more discussion the better.  Topics to be covered in this conference include pathology, physiology and clinical management skills.
  2. Journal club - 3109 WSK- Will be held once a month on Thursday from 4:30-5:30 PM.  Two journal articles are presented once at each of these conferences.  The responsibility of choosing the article and presenting the paper is rotated through the attending physicians and fellows.  The fellows are expected to present the background, objectives, methods, results, conclusions and critique of the paper.  The articles reviewed in this conference should be basic science or clinically based.  The goals of this conference are to acquire and improve analysis skills and to foster an understanding of the scientific method.
  3. Scientific sessions: 3109 WSK- Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:30 AM-This conference is an in depth discussion of selected topics in pulmonary and critical care.  Speakers include the faculty of the division of pulmonary and critical care, faculty from other divisions, and visiting professors (hopefully 3-6 per year).  Topics to be covered include physiology, pathology, statistics, immunology as well as specific clinical entities.
  4. Evidence-Based Medicine Conference: 3109 WSK- Wednesday once a month at 7:30 AM-8:30 AM.  The chief fellow will develop a rotating schedule of which fellows present at a given conference.  The assigned fellow will raise a clinical question.  The fellow will then research the literature to see what evidence is available for the treatment or diagnosis of that problem.  The fellow will then present that material as well as a critique of the quality of the data supporting those conclusions.
  5. Pulmonary Pathology Conference is held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 AM-8:30 AM in room 6717/UH.  This conference's aim is to teach pulmonary pathology.  It will be a combined conference and is attended by Pathology, Thoracic Surgery, Radiology and Pulmonary/Critical Care.  The Thoracic Surgery resident and a Pulmonary/Critical Care fellow will each present a case.  The PGY-6 fellow will e-mail or call Dr. Curtiss (4-4670) to meet and review their cases for the Pathology conference.  Radiology or Dr. Curtiss may have interesting cases that may be presented as well.  The PGY-6 fellow will present a brief history and physical exam in, the radiographs will be reviewed and then Dr. Curtiss will present the Pathology.  There will be a broad discussion of the outcome of the case by the fellow.  The PGY-6 fellows will share the responsibility for this conference.
  6. Research Conference: 3109 WSK- Thursday afternoon 4:30 PM-5:30 PM, held once a month. The purpose of this conference is to discuss ongoing projects or proposals for new projects.
  7. Morbidity & Mortality Review Conference 3109 WSK - Wednesday's 7:30 AM-8:30 AM- will be held every other month. The purpose of this meeting is to review cases with unexpected or negative outcomes and to explore what could have been done differently to achieve a better outcome. 2 fellows will be assigned to present during each conference
  8. Board Review Conference:  3109 WSK-4:30 PM- 5:30 PM, once a month on Thursday. The Pulmonary/CC attending physicians will rotate with this conference.
  9. Medical Power Rounds – Occurs each Thursday from 12:15-1 PM and is a requested but not mandatory conference. Attendance when the Pulmonary & Critical Care faculty are presenting IS mandatory.