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Syd Johnson, PhD, teaches in the bioethics and humanities department at Upstate and is an ethics consultant at Upstate University Hospital.
Syd Johnson, PhD, teaches in the bioethics and humanities department at Upstate and is an ethics consultant at Upstate University Hospital.

People in a coma or other impaired state still have rights and deserve respect, ethicist says

What social, medical and ethical obligations apply to people in a coma or with some other form of impaired consciousness? Philosopher and ethicist Syd Johnson, PhD, addresses this as she discusses her new book, “The Ethics of Uncertainty: Entangled Ethical and Epistemic Risks in Disorders of Consciousness." She explains impaired consciousness and the recent neuroscientific discoveries that are revealing more about these disorders. Johnson is an associate professor of bioethics and humanities at Upstate and an ethics consultant at Upstate University Hospital. 