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2020 Articles

Mysterious, rare inflammatory syndrome in children studied for connection to COVID-19

Mysterious, rare inflammatory syndrome in children studied for connection to COVID-19

May 15, 2020

Interview with Jana Shaw, MD, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at...

Expert advises on how to prepare -- but not overdo it -- for a pandemic or other emergency

Expert advises on how to prepare -- but not overdo it -- for a pandemic or other emergency

May 15, 2020

Interview with Chris Dunham, Upstate's director of emergency management

What visiting the emergency room is like during a pandemic

What visiting the emergency room is like during a pandemic

May 8, 2020

Interview with William Paolo, MD, interim chair of emergency medicine at Upstate

The pandemic may redefine a generation's ideas about itself and society

The pandemic may redefine a generation's ideas about itself and society

May 8, 2020

Interview with Upstate psychologist Rich O'Neill, PhD

How the pandemic is affecting Ecuador and Uruguay

How the pandemic is affecting Ecuador and Uruguay

May 8, 2020

Interview with Avriel Diaz, left, and Upstate's Anna Stewart-Ibarra, PhD

Research is underway to improve coronavirus testing, check viral levels and identify disease resistance

Research is underway to improve coronavirus testing, check viral levels and identify disease resistance

May 8, 2020

Interview with Upstate researcher Frank Middleton, PhD

How COVID-19 can affect the nervous system, the kidneys and a patient's spiritual care: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, May 10, 2020

How COVID-19 can affect the nervous system, the kidneys and a patient's spiritual care: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 8, 2020

Interviews with neurologist Hesham Masoud, MD, nephrologist Sri Narsipur, MD,...

Are strokes, other neurological problems related to COVID-19?

Are strokes, other neurological problems related to COVID-19?

May 8, 2020

Interview with Upstate neurologist Hesham Masoud, MD

Respiratory virus may also impact the kidneys

Respiratory virus may also impact the kidneys

May 8, 2020

Interview with Sri Narsipur, MD, chief of nephrology at Upstate

What's been learned about the coronavirus; coping with loneliness, isolation in the pandemic: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, May 3, 2020

What's been learned about the coronavirus; coping with loneliness, isolation in the pandemic: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 1, 2020

Interviews with Upstate infectious disease chief Stephen Thomas, MD, and social...
